The Mission and Objectives of the Sabbath School
The Mission of the Sabbath School
The mission of the Sabbath School is to be a system of local church religious education that builds faith and practice. The Sabbath School is based at the local church. It builds faith through the study of the Scriptures and the doctrines and teachings of the Seventh-Day Adventist Church. It builds practice through the application of biblical principles and the teachings of the Seventh- Day Adventist Church to the individual lives of the Sabbath School members.
Objectives of the Sabbath School
The Sabbath School has four specific objectives:
1. Study of the Word
2. Fellowship
3. Community Outreach
4. World Mission Emphasis
These four objectives are the basis for every activity of the Sabbath School in all divisions.
1. Study of the Word. The Sabbath School will help the students understand the gospel and make a personal commitment to it. It will help them grow spiritually through study of the Bible and the Spirit of Prophecy. It will help students develop a prayer program and teach them how to interpret and apply the principles of the Scriptures to their lives.
2. Fellowship. The Sabbath School will foster fellowship among members in the weekly Sabbath School program, develop projects for recruiting new members and integrating them into church life, and find ways of restoring inactive members.
3. Community Outreach. The Sabbath School will help its students catch a vision of the churchís mission in the community, train them for ser- vice, and inspire them to witness. It will develop programs to involve them in soul-winning activities.
4. World Mission Emphasis. The Sabbath School will present a clear vi- sion of the global mission of the church. It will promote a personal, systematic, and self-denying commitment to the support of world missions, and foster in all a desire to help fulfill the gospel commission.
Sabbath School Handbook, page 2